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Water Resources Series
#1 Rechard, Paul A., and others, Glossary of Selected Hydrologic and Water Quality Terms, 1966 (revised 1978). [Abstract] [PDF (4,699 kb)]
#2 Rechard, Paul A., and Frederick R. Potter, Progress Report on the Effects of Varying Land and Water Use on Streamflow Regimen, 1966. [Abstract] [PDF (2,124 kb)]
#3 Clement, Pierre, Snow Water Acidity in Wyoming, 1966. [Abstract] [PDF (372 kb)] [HTML]
#4 Kenney, Raymond K., and John W. Birch, Population Trends for the Platte and Green River Basins in Wyoming: 1890-2010, 1967. [Abstract] [PDF (1,560 kb)]
#5 Kildebeck, James C., Orman H. Paananen, and John W. Birch, Projected Residential Water Requirements for the Platte and Green River Basins of Wyoming: 1965-2010, 1967. [Abstract] [PDF (1,793 kb)]
#6 Rechard, Paul A., Psychrometric Tables for Wyoming (High Elevations), 1967. [Abstract] [PDF (2,669 kb)]
#7 McGraw, Michael R., Confluence Analyses of Land Surfaces, 1967. [Abstract] [PDF (1,551 kb)]
#8 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1966 and Prior, 1967. [Abstract] [PDF (9,431 kb)]
#9 Schwer, R. Keith (Compiler), Municipal Water and Sewage Systems in Wyoming: A Source Book of Data, 1968. [Abstract] [PDF (2,462 kb)]
#10 Rechard, Paul A., and John E. Lane, The Effects of Varying Land and Water Use on Streamflow Regimen, 1968. [Abstract] [PDF (2,392 kb)]
#11 Pierce, John M., Legal Aspects of Weather Modification: Snowpack Augmentation in Wyoming, 1968. [Abstract] [PDF (3,834 kb)]
#12 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1967, 1968. [Abstract] [PDF (12,303 kb)]
#13 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Computerized System for Wyoming Surface Water Records, 1968. [Abstract] [PDF (1,695 kb)]
#13(rev) Embree, William N., Lee W. Larson, and Paul A. Rechard (Compilers), Computerized System for Wyoming Surface Water Records, 1968 (revised 1970). [Abstract] [PDF (2,863 kb)]
#14 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1968, 1969. [Abstract] [PDF (11,407 kb)]
#15 Rechard, Paul A. (Editor), Snowy Range Water Resource Observatory (A Progress Report), 1969. [Abstract] [PDF (2,509 kb)]
#16 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Solar Radiation Data, Water Year 1969 and Prior, 1969. [Abstract] [PDF (1,320 kb)]
#17 Rechard, Paul A. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1969, 1970. [Abstract] [PDF (10,491 kb)]
#18 Embree, William N. and Roger A. Cole, Surface Water System: Operational Handbook, 1970. [Abstract] [PDF (2,662 kb)]
#19 Trelease, Frank J., Theodore J. Swartz, Paul A. Rechard, and Robert D. Burman, Consumptive Use of Irrigation Water in Wyoming, 1970. [Abstract] [PDF (3,640 kb)] [HTML]
#20 Embree, William N., An Approach to the Selection of a Streamflow Base Period, 1970. [Abstract] [PDF (3,188 kb)]
#21 Smith, Verne E., Water Resource Observatory Wind Data, Water Year 1969 and Prior, 1970. [Abstract] [PDF (6,942 kb)]
#22 Dobbs, Thomas, L., Orman Paananen, and Paul A. Rechard, Criteria and Methods for State Water Resource Planning, 1971. [Abstract] [PDF (3,856 kb)]
#23 Smith, Verne E. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1970, 1971. [Abstract] [PDF (8,575 kb)]
#24 Larson, Lee W., Precipitation and Its Measurement: A State of the Art, 1971. [Abstract] [PDF (4,829 kb)]
#25 Larson, Lee W., Shielding Precipitation Gages from Adverse Wind Effects with Snow Fences, 1971. [Abstract] [PDF (20,297 kb)]
#26 Smith, Verne E., and Theodore J. Swartz, Water Resource Observatory Solar Radiation Data, Water Years 1970 and 1971, 1971. [Abstract] [PDF (1,356 kb)]
#27 Smith, Verne E., Water Resources Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1965 through 1971, 1972. [Abstract] [PDF (8,969 kb)]
#28 Allen, Louis E., and Verne E. Smith, Water Resources Observatory Streamflow Data, Water Years 1965 through 1971, 1972. [Abstract] [PDF (4,382 kb)]
#29 Swartz, Theodore J., Robert D. Burman, and Paul A. Rechard, Consumptive Use by Irrigated High Mountain Meadows in Southern Wyoming, 1972. [Abstract] [PDF (3,958 kb)]
#30 Rechard, Paul A., and Verne E. Smith, Physical and Hydrometeorological Characteristics of the Snowy Range Observatory, 1972. [Abstract] [PDF (8,420 kb)]
#31 Smith, Verne E., Water Resource Observatory Wind Data, Water Years 1970 and 1971, 1972. [Abstract] [PDF (3,016 kb)]
#32 Allen, Louis E., and Verne E. Smith, Water Resources Observatory Streamflow Data, Water Year 1972, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (1,415 kb)]
#33 Smith, Verne E., Streamflow Data Usage in Wyoming, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (504 kb)]
#34 Smith, Verne E., Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1972, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (10,135 kb)]
#35 Rechard, Paul A., A Look Back at the First Seven Years of Wyo WRRI (1965-1971), 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (2,193 kb)]
#36 Smith, Verne E., Water Resource Observatory Wind and Solar Radiation Data, Water Year 1972, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (2,174 kb)]
#37 Wesche, Thomas A., Parametric Determination of Minimum Stream Flow for Trout, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (13,342 kb)]
#38 Pochop, Larry O., Scott A. Morton, and Richard L. Cornia, Psychrometric Data: Patterns and Prediction Models, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (756 kb)]
#39 Smith, Verne E, A Study of Several Models for Estimating Monthly Streamflow Runoff, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (1,040 kb)]
#40 Phillips, Clynn, Systems Simulation of Economic Factors and Their Relation to the Water System of Wyoming's Platte River Basin, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (2,515 kb)]
#41 Jenkins, Stephen R., The Effectiveness of Sand Filters for the Removal of Colloidal Manganese Oxides from Water Using Selected Cations as Filter Aids, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (999 kb)]
#42 Smith, Verne E., Louis R. Bartos, and Paul A. Rechard, Reliability of Snowmelt Runoff Predictions Based on Mass Balance Procedures Versus Index Methods, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (2,293 kb)]
#43 Smith, Verne E., Surface Water System, 1973, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (4,059 kb)]
#44 Perry, Leslie K., Inventory of Water Resources Research at the University of Wyoming, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (2,895 kb)]
#45 Smith, Verne E., and Dennis A. Quan, Forecasting Water Demand in Wyoming with the MAIN II System, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (9,384 kb)]
#46 Hampe, Gary D., Verne E. Smith, and James P. Mitchell, Water-Related Aesthetic Preferences of Wyoming Residents, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (4,898 kb)]
#47 Smith, Verne E., Characteristics of Wyoming Stock-Water Ponds and Dike Spreader Systems, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (2,417 kb)]
#48 Ragsdale, Calvin E., Financing Water Resources Development in Wyoming, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (2,749 kb)]
#49 Smith, Verne E. (Compiled under the direction of), Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data, Water Year 1973, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (5,879 kb)]
#50 Good, William R., Some Effects of Spring Snowmelt Runoff on Aquatic Invertebrate Populations in a High Mountain Stream, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (3,964 kb)]
#51 Smith, Verne E., Water Resource Observatory Wind and Solar Radiation Data, Water Years 1973 and 1974, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (2,671 kb)]
#52 Burton, Roger A., and Thomas A. Wesche, Relationship of Duration of Flows and Selected Watershed Parameters to the Standing Crop Estimates of Trout Populations, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (5,978 kb)]
#53 Wesche, Thomas A., Relationship of Discharge Reductions to Available Trout Habitat for Recommending Suitable Streamflows, 1974. [Abstract] [PDF (3,978 kb)]
#54 Perry, Leslie K., Inventory of Water Resources Research at the University of Wyoming Fiscal Year 1975, 1975. [Abstract] [PDF (2,927 kb)]
#55 Kimble, Larry A., and Thomas A. Wesche, Relationships Between Selected Physical Parameters and Benthic Community Structure in a Small Mountain Stream, 1975. [Abstract] [PDF (2,256 kb)]
#56 VanKlaveren, Richard, Larry O. Pochop, and Warren E. Hedstrom, Evapotranspiration by Phreatophytes in the North Platte Basin of Wyoming, 1975. [Abstract] [PDF (975 kb)]
#57 Davis, Richard W., Results of a Hydrological Investigation of AMAX's Belle Ayr Mine and Vicinity near Gillette, Wyoming, 1975. [Abstract] [PDF (1,326 kb)]
#58 Cooper, Craig O., and Thomas A. Wesche, Stream Channel Modification to Enhance Trout Habitat Under Low Flow Conditions, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (7,530 kb)]
#59 VanKlaveren, Richard, Larry O. Pochop, and Warren E. Hedstrom, Comparison of Methods for Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration in the North Platte Basin of Wyoming, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (1,164 kb)]
#60 Smith, Verne E., The Application of HYMO to Study Areas of Southwestern Wyoming for Surface Runoff and Soil Loss Estimates, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (9,861 kb)]
#61 Smith, Verne E., Vicki C. Pelton, and Sally A. Bender, Water Resources Data System, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (4,735 kb)]
#62 Knight, Dennis H., and A. Tyrone Harrison, The Movement of Snow-Water Through Small Plant-Soil Systems in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (3,354 kb)]
#63 Fletcher, Joanne J., and Paul A. Rechard, Water Loss From Snowdrifts Under Oasis Conditions, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (2,193 kb)]
#64 Reiser, Dudley W., and Thomas A. Wesche, Determination of Physical and Hydraulic Preferences of Brown and Brook Trout in the Selection of Spawning Locations, 1977. [Abstract] [PDF (8,273 kb)]
#65 Allen, Louis E., A Subalpine Snowmelt Runoff Model, 1976. [Abstract] [PDF (8,487 kb)]
#66 Huntoon, Peter W., Relationship of Tectonic Structure to Aquifer Mechanics in the Western Grand Canyon District, Arizona, 1977. [Abstract] [PDF (28,630 kb)]
#67 Davis, Richard W., and Paul A. Rechard, Effects of Surface Mining Upon Shallow Aquifers in the Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 1977. [Abstract] [PDF (1,562 kb)]
#68 Delaney, Ronald H., and others, Economic and Agronomic Effects of High Irrigation Levels on Alfalfa and Barley, 1978. [Abstract] [PDF (5,192 kb)]
#69 Pelton, Vicki C., and Verne E. Smith, Climatic and Snow Course Data Output Programs in the Water Resources Data System, 1977. [Abstract] [PDF (1,865 kb)]
#70 Anderson, Wayland J., and Warren G. Hedstrom, Soil Hydraulic Properties Determined by Infiltration Experiments and Simulation, 1977. [Abstract] [PDF (3,624 kb)]
#71 Pochop, Larry O., and others, Water Requirements and Application Rates for Lawns, 1978. [Abstract] [PDF (1,469 kb)]
#72 Rinehart, Frank D., and Robert D. Kerr, Water Quality Model for the Upper North Platte River, 1978. [Abstract] [PDF (2,148 kb)]
#73 Pelton, Vicki C., Computer Output Programs in the Water Resources Data System, 1973. [Abstract] [PDF (1,259 kb)]
#73(sup) Pelton, Vicki C., Computer Output Programs in the Water Resources Data System, 1981. [Abstract] [PDF (8,371 kb)]
#74 Gore, James A., and Lora S. Johnson, Observations on the Initial Biotic Recolonization of a Reclaimed Channel of the Tongue River in Wyoming, 1979. [Abstract] [PDF (2,000 kb)]
#75 Pochop, Larry O., and John Borrelli, Water Requirements for Urban Lawns, 1979. [Abstract] [PDF (4,187 kb)]
#76 Rechard, Paul A., and Tsong C. Wei, Performance Assessments of Precipitation Gages for Snow Measurement, 1980. [Abstract] [PDF (11,945 kb)]
#77 Davis, R. W., Victor Hasfurther, and Paul A. Rechard, Shallow Ground Water Distribution and Movement as Influenced by Surface Coal Mining in the Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 1980. [Abstract] [PDF (10,238 kb)]
#78 Wesche, Thomas A., The WRRI Trout Cover Rating Method: Development and Application, 1980. [Abstract] [PDF (1,898 kb)]
#79 Lyverse, Mark A., A Guide for Estimating Floods of Various Frequencies for Ephemeral Streams in the Plains Area of Northeastern Wyoming, 1981. [Abstract] [PDF (2,058 kb)]
#80 Shea, Mick, and Joanne Baumgardner, Water Resources Data System User's Guide, 1981. [Abstract] [PDF (4,635 kb)]
#81 Wesche, Thomas A., The Snowy Range Observatory: An Update and Review, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (34,330 kb)]
#82 Eifert, Walter H., and Thomas A. Wesche, Evaluation of the Stream Reach Inventory and Channel Stability Index for Instream Habitat Analysis, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (3,565 kb)]
#83 Wichers, Donna L., and Lora S. Johnson, Thomas A. Wesche, and James A. Gore, Two Techniques for Locating and Sampling Brown Trout Microhabitat Under Complete Ice Cover, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (1,845 kb)]
#84 Johnson, Lora S., Donna L. Wichers, Thomas A. Wesche, and James A. Gore, Instream Salmonid Habitat Exclusion by Ice-Cover, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (992 kb)] [HTML]
#85 Grabowski, Joseph J., and John Ahern, Evaluation of Limnological Parameters as Related to the Success of Mysis relicta Introductions, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (4,890 kb)]
#86 Borrelli, John, and Robert D. Burman, Evapotranspiration from Heterogeneous Mountain Meadows, 1982. [Abstract] [PDF (1,103 kb)]