Abstract In June, 1980, the University of Wyoming introduced a new Control Data computer system. This change of machines has forced the Water Resources Data System (WRDS) programs to be completely rewritten. We have used this opportunity to restructure the data, generalize the programs, and try to make the WRDS more flexible and responsive to the user.
The conversion is not yet complete. Most of the programs that were available on the old system (see Water Resources Series No. 73, Computer Output Programs in the Water Resources Data System) should be ready to run on the new system by the end of 1981. Perhaps the best way to find out what programs are converted, or when they are expected to be done, is to call Mick Shea at (307) 766-2143. The WRDS now consists of four major data bases: Surface Water Quantity, Water Quality (surface and ground water). Well Levels, and Climatic. Each data base is then broken down into data files (see Figure 1). Snowcourse data are still available, though only to list the data. No other programs for snowcourse have been written at this time.
This booklet is a draft of the new publication. It describes the programs as they now exist. For this interim period, examples are given only for programs which are not described in Series No. 73, and the old program names are given for programs when the names have changed. The new programs, however, often have more options than the programs they replace, and the output may be in a slightly different format.
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