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Water Resource Observatory Wind Data Water Years 1970 and 1971


The Wyoming Water Resources Research Institute has underway an interdisciplinary research project entitled, "Water Resource Operations Study," funded by a grant from the Office of Water Resources Research Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379.

One portion of the study is an investigation of bio-physical relationships in the hydrologic cycle. To undertake this portion, the WyoWRRI utilized most of the initial year's (FY 1965) allotment to purchase instruments and equipment for the observation of several of the physical parameters related to the hydrologic cycle. The instrumentation was installed with the Snowy Range Water Resource Observatory near Laramie, which was selected for Its ready accessibility and because there were already many single discipline studies, including agricultural, botanical, engineering, forestry, geologic, weather modification, and zoological underway within the area, which added to the insight of the functioning of the Observatory. These observations also provide attendant instrumentation for other studies in the area.

The investigators in the study group working on the overall problem of the bio-physical relationships decided that the study should be approached initially through single disciplinary studies to confirm, by use-test, the desires of each discipline for specific instrumentation; utilization of another's installation was encouraged to the maximum extent possible. Following this work and still concurrent with it, the group is attempting to develop a hydrologic model of a mountain watershed ecosystem.

A vital part of the interdisciplinary utilization of the instruments is the availability of the data obtained from them. The initial task of the investigators was to determine which items of data were important and how to present them. It was decided that the collected data should be published in a form that could be made available to any interested party. This report presents data for one kind of observation. Data for other kinds of observations have been presented in similar reports. The water year (October 1 through September 30) has been chosen as the reporting period to be compatible with the United States Geological Survey streamflow data publications.

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