Abstract This is the third annual report on activities and results obtained from a continuing study of the effects of mining upon shallow aquifers in the vicinity of AMAX Coal Company's (AMAX'S) Belle Ayr Mine. The Belle Ayr Mine is located in Campbell County, Wyoming (Figure 1), south of Gillette, Wyoming. The study project began in 1974. Since then reports have been submitted and later published describing each year's results and relating them to earlier work (Davis, 1975; and Davis and Rechard, 1977). This report follows the same approach.
The work during calendar year 1977 was funded by the Wyoming Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) and the United States Forest Service under SEAM Cooperative Agreement No. 16-707-CA.
The original long-term objectives of this study were:
Because of the short-term nature of the funding available for research, specific objectives were set for each year's work. Objectives funded by SEAM for the period covered by this report were;
At the start of this year's field work, AMAX requested that well monitoring not be included in WRRI's field activities. For this reason objectives number one and three have only been met in part.
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