Water Talk |
Water Institute for Teachers |
Waste Management |
- Hubert, Wayne 1/27/89
- Populations and Habitat Changes Associated with an Increase in Maximum Flows of Douglas Creek, Wyoming
- Williams, Steve 3/17/89
- Microbial Biocycling of Selenium
- Fassett, Gordon 3/31/89
- Allocation and Management of Water Resources in Wyoming
- Kircher, J. 4/7/89
- Overview of USGS Activities in Wyoming
- Schmal, N. 4/21/89
- Historical Impacts of Railroad Tie Drive on Stream and Riparian Habitats
- Huntoon, Peter 4/28/89
- Transient Storages in Uplift Sedimentary Sections in Wyoming and its Role in Recharge to Major Aquifers
- Adams, John C. 5/5/89
- Direct Viable Count: New Methodology for Determining Bacteria in Drinking Water
FALL 1989 | |
- Case, Jim 9/8/89
- Geologic Hazards in Wyoming: Planning for Future Water Projects (1h:02m:00s)
- Lowry, Sue 9/15/89
- Economic Evaluation of Riparian Reclamation at Muddy Creek, Wyoming (0h:58m:20s)
- Seytoux, M. 9/22/89
- Water Rights and the Conjunctive Management of Surface and Ground Waters
- Parker, M. 9/29/89
- Streams, Riparian Zones and Water Quality (1h:00m:23s)
- Wiley, R. 10/6/89
- Riparian (Streamside) Habitat Fisheries Concerns
- Ostresh, Larry 10/20/89
- Computer Generated Wyoming Water Atlas (0h:51m:05s)
- Bozek, M. 10/27/89
- Variability in Habitat Use by Young Trout
- Pratt, Beth 11/3/89
- Wyoming's Non-Point Source Management Plan (0h:54m:12s)
- Wesche, Tom 11/10/89
- Sediment Transport in High Mountain Streams (0h:55m:58s)
- Snider, J. 11/17/89
- Chemical Composition of Snow and Cloud Water at Elk Mountain Observatory
- Guenther, P. 12/1/89
- Effects of Minimum Pool Levels on Trout in Small Wyoming Reservoirs
- Sturges, D. 12/8/89
- Snow Fencing to Increase Water Yield (0h:50m:02s)
SPRING 1990 | |
- Doelger, N. 1/19/90
- Coal Bed Methane in the Powder River Basin (0h:37m:07s)
- Reddy, Katta 1/26/90
- Measurement of Calcite Ion Activity Products in Soils as Related to the Quality of Water
- Michelsen, Ari 2/2/90
- Potential Role of Option Contracts for Solving Urban-Agricultural Drought Water Supply Problems
- Smith, S. 2/9/90
- Efficient Groundwater Drawdown Model Using Finite Layer Method
- Edwards, M. 2/16/90
- Forest Ecological Survey
- Marwitz, John 2/23/90
- A Review of Winter Cloud Seeding Experiments and Results
- Grigg, Neil 3/2/90
- Western Water Issues for the 1990s
- Henszey, Bob 3/9/90
- The Hydrology of Wet Meadows Along the Platte River in Central Nebraska
- DeBrey, Larry 3/23/90
- Impact of Sediment on the Aquatic Insects of High Mountain Streams: Much Ado About Nothing?
- Middleton, M. 3/30/90
- Soluble Salts and Sediments Along Degraded and Improving Riparian Zones in Southwest Wyoming
- Marston, Richard 4/6/90
- Geomorphic Changes in the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park
- Skinner, Quentin 4/20/90
- Evaluation of Water Movement through Combusted Oil Shale Using the Watershed Climate and Simulation Laboratory
- Carron, Keith 4/27/90
- Fiber Optic Detection of Water Pollutants
- Adler, L. 5/4/90
- An Economic Analysis of Water Resource Development in Wyoming
Top |
Water Talk |
Water Institute for Teachers |
Waste Management |
Water Institute for Teachers (8mm videos)
(approximately 2 hours each)
- Snowy Range Field Trip/Simulator Model 1991 (1h:44m:30s)
- REAL version Requires G2 player
- Cooper, Craig and Hemmer, Dennis
- WIT Presentation - Riverton 1991
- Water Quality Field Trip
- 1991
- Jacobs, Jim and Beiswenger, Ron
- Social Aspects 1991
- Michelsen, Ari
- Introduction to Laws - Riverton 1991
- Miller, Ken and Karen
- WIT Presentation 1992
- O'Leary, Paul
- Water Quality and Groundwater Model Demonstration 1991
- Wesche, Tom
- Watershed 1991
- Policy Session
- WIT Teleconference - Laramie 1991
Top |
Water Talk |
Water Institute for Teachers |
Waste Management |
- Cynthia Fridgen
- Ask the Right Question #1: Critical Issues
- Cynthia Fridgen and Gary Meyer
- Ask the Right Question #2: The Decision Making Process
- Cynthia Fridgen and Gary Meyer
- Ask the Right Question #3: Landfilling
- Cynthia Fridgen
- Ask the Right Question #4: Materials Recovery
- Cynthia Fridgen and Dilruba Rahman
- Ask the Right Question #5: Returning Waste
- Cynthia Fridgen and Brian Saputo
- Ask the Right Question #6: Waste-to-Energy
- Cynthia Fridgen and Gary Meyer
- Ask the Right Question #7: Credibility
- Cynthia Fridgen and Brian Saputo
- Ask the Right Question #8: Tools of the Trade
- Reddy, Katta J.
- Development of CO2 Pressure Technique (15 min.)
- Enviroshopping
- Enviroshopping - Tape and Notebook (Presentation materials - 12 min.)
Top |
Water Talk |
Water Institute for Teachers |
Waste Management |
Aerials of Snowy Range, Jelm, and Laramie--Unedited
The Adventures of Wally the Water Molecule
- Brookings, South Dakota Class V Injection Well Demonstration Project
- Casa del Agua:
- Arizona's Resource for Tomorrow (27:45 min.)
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (8 min.)
Water Seminar Original Footage Snowy Range and Hay Production in the Laramie River Basin
World Food Day:
- Needs of Farms, Cities and The Environment - Growing Conflict
- Tape 1 (120 min.) Tape 2 (60 min.)
Agriculture in Montana Schools
- Montana Country:
- Water, Soil, Grass and Trees (19:30 min.)
- American Council on Science and Health
- Big Fears, Little Risks
- Bergman, Harold
- Predicting the Effects of Acidification on Fish Population: A Modeling Strategy
- Culligan International Company
- Small Water Systems Capability (12:00)
- Denver Dubbing, Inc.
- Focus on Water: An 80th Anniversary Celebration of Water Delivery to
the Garland Division of the Shoshone Reclamation Project, Powell,
Wyoming 1908-1988 (28:45 min.)
- Drever, James
- Weathering a Susceptibility of Acid Deposition
- Ecology Center of Ann Arbor
- It's Found Underground (31 min.)
- Educational Video Network
- Stream Systems and Fluvial Process
- Enviromental Protection Agency(EPA)
- North Dakota Trioxide Superfund Site (Sept 1992)
- Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)
- Region VIII Summitville Superfund Site
- Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)
- UPRR Laramie Tie Plant Superfund Site (Oct 1995)
- Michigan State University
- Agriculture and Ground Water Contamination: Cooperative Extension
Service Exploring the Issues (19 min.)
- Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service
- Ground Water and Your Family's Health (16 min.)(2 copies)
- Every Tuesday Morning: Site Operators' Training Aid
- Nature Company
- Water: Gift of Life (50 min.)
- North Slope Uintas Project
- Bring Back the Natives (10 min.)
- OSU Agricultural Communications
- Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act: A Framework for
Action (18:20)
- Public Lands Council et. al
- The Value of Riparian Areas (15.5 min.)
- Recovery Program for the Endangered Fishes of the Upper Colorado
- Swimming Upstream: The Endangered Fish of the Colorado River
- Sci-Med
- What Do You Know About H2O? (22 min.)
- Soil & Water Conservation District
- The Challenge of Non-Point Source Pollution (57:45)
- Texas Water Resources Institute
- Water - The Life Giving Resource (12 min.)
- TRT Water Quality (10:10)
- University of Arizona
- Water Transfers: An Arizona Civil War (27 min.)
- University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service
- Upland Erosion
- University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension and Converse County Conservation District
- Water Quality Awareness for the North Platte River Watershed:
A One Day Seminar in Douglas, Wyoming
- Session I:
- "Nonpoint Source Program Overview" (Beth Pratt), "Water Quality Data
Sources" (Barry Lawrence), and "Wellhead Protection Farm *A* System"
(Kirk Faught)
- Session II:
- "Wetlands Banking in Wyoming" (Bill DiRienzo) and "WACD - NPS, Roles
Responsibilities and Plans" (Bobbi Hallwachs)
- Session III:
- "Pesticides and Groundwater" (Mark Ferrell), "Groundwater Contamination
in Wyoming" (Kevin Frederick) and "Wyoming Water Quality Assessment"
(Robert Gumtow)
- Session IV:
- "Section 404/Dredge and Fill Permits" (Matt Bilodeau) and "Water
Quality Assistance Availability (Lloyd Brown)
- USDA - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Technology
- A Guide to Field Identification of Bankfull Stage Stream Systems in the
Western United States (31 min.) Closed Captioned
- Snow Survey and Snotel (15 min.)
- Water Education Foundation
- H2O - 2010
- Water Pollution Control Federation
- Groundwater (9 min.)
- Water Pollution Control Federation
- H2O TV: The Groundwater Video (9:11)
- Water Pollution Control Federation
- Saving H20 - Conservation (8 min.)
- Water Pollution Control Federation
- The Surface Water Video (9 min.)
- Water Pollution Control Federation
- Wastewater (11 min.)
- Wyoming Water Development Commission, State Engineer's Office, and Wyoming Water Resources Center
- Our Priceless Asset: The Waters of Wyoming (15 min.)
- Wyoming Water Development Commission, State Engineer's Office,
and Wyoming Water Resources Center
- Wyoming's Hidden Resource: Ground Water (0h:13m:27s)
- Rough Footage from 6/20/90 Snowy Range Area
- Water Resources Data System (15 min.)
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