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WWRC 87-18
Little Horse Creek Conveyance Loss Study


In June of 1986 the Wyoming Water Research Center entered into an agreement with the Wyoming State Engineer's Office to assist in the collection of field data, analysis and presentation of a summary and recommendation concerning the stream channel conveyance losses on Little Horse Creek and Horse Creek near and upstream of LaGrange, Wyoming.

The necessity of this study was to provide information that would assist the State Engineer's Office and the Board of Control in determining if a futile call for regulation of water exists on the Springvale and Wood and Lykins diversions on Little Horse Creek for the Brown and LaGrange diversion downstream on Horse Creek. The three main objectives of the study were to:

  1. Determine if water from Little Horse Creek, upon regulation of upstream diversions, does reach the Brown and LaGrange diver- sion.
  2. Perform a general reconnaissance of the study area by looking at the geology and identifying contributing springs and seeps along Horse Creek.
  3. Perform a dye study to confirm findings of objective number one and also determine time of travel.

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