Introduction The Wyoming Water Resources Center (WWRC) at the University of Wyoming (UW) cooperates with the Graduate School and ten academic departments across campus to provide a master's degree program with multi-disciplinary education in water resources. UW awards this degree as a specialty option within each of the sponsoring department's graduate programs. The emphasis on water resources is acknowledged on the student's diploma and transcript to certify that the graduate has completed a multi-disciplinary program specializing in water resources.
The Master's Degree Water Resources Option (MDWRO) has been designated as a high quality program by the Wyoming Legislature through its 1982 authorizations providing for the WWRC. The purpose of the program is to emphasize the multi-disciplinary aspects of the water resources field and to impart such a perspective to the students consistent with the rigorous demands that graduates will face in their professional careers. The degree program is also designed to be flexible in order to meet the professional objectives of individual students.
The objective of this paper is to describe the program requirements of the MDWRO and to summarize student participation in the program since its inception.
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