Introduction The Governor's Economic Development Seminar and Field Tour was held in Carbon County on August 24, 25 and 26, 1988. The purpose of the Seminar and Field Tour was to inventory, review and discuss the economic resources available in Carbon County. Secondly, by taking a close-up look at these resources, new ideas and thoughts were spawned about economic development potentials for Carbon County and the State of Wyoming.
The primary economic resources identified for Carbon County of which many were observed and discussed on the tour were:
Mining - oil, gas, uranium, coal, jade, precious metals, trona, gravel and limestone.
Agriculture - ranching and farming of sheep, cattle, hay, wheat, barley and oats; plus, the development of value added products.
Forestry - logging and lumber, plus the recreational value of the forest.
Water - water in the strictest sense is not a resource that can be developed at a profit; however, water is a major resource necessary for industrial, commercial and residential growth, as well as for its recreational benefits.
The Carbon County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) has taken on the task of promoting Carbon County for the purpose of developing and stabilizing the local economy. Many of the CCEDC members were part of the tour, providing additional information about Carbon County and what the County has to offer.
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