The following defines the methodology for determining the various parameters for the ET formulas presented in Chapter 4.
ET0 = Ab + Bb (p(0.46T + 8))
a) Ab = 0.0043 RHmin - SS-1.41, p. 110-FA024
- where:
- RHmin = minimum relative humidity (%)
- SS = mean monthly percent of possible sunshine
- b) Bb = B1 + B2
- B1 = a1 + a2 RHmin + a3 SS1
- B2 = a4 Ud + a5 RHmin SS + a6 RHmin Ud
c) p = found in table 6.4 p. 82 - ASCE report
- where:
- Ud = daytime wind (m/s)
- a1 = 0.81917
- a2 = - 0.0040922
- a3 = 1.0705
- a4 = 0.065649
- a5 = 0.0059684
- a6 = - 0.0005967
ET0 = Ar + Br (W Rse)
a) Ar = -0.3
- b) Br = B1 + B2
- B1 = a1 + a2 RHmean = a3 Ud
- B2 = a4 RHmean Ud + a5 RHmean 2 + a6 Ud 2
- where:
- RHmean = mean relative humidity (%)
- Ud = daytime wind (m/s)
- a1 = 1.0656
- a2 = - 0.0012795
- a3 = 0.044953
- a4 = -2.0033 x 10-4
- a5 = -3.1508 x 10-5
- a6 = -0.0011026
- c) W = D /D+g
- D = 33.8639(0.05904(0.00738 T + 0.8072) 7-0.0000342)
- g = 0.240 P/(0.622l)
- P = 1013.0-0.1093 E
- l = 595.0-0.51 T
d) Rse = solar radiation in equivalent evaporation (mm/day)
- where:
- T = mean temperature (°C)
- E = elevation (m)
- P = atmospheric pressure (mbar), p. 122-ASCE report
- l = function of mean temperature, p. 122-ASCE report
- g = psychrometric constant, p. 123-ASCE report
- D = slope of saturation vapor pressure-temp. curve at temperature of interest, p. 123-ASCE report
ETr =(D/(D+g)) (Rn+G) + (g/(D+g)) (15.36)(1.0+0.0062U2) (es-ea)
a) D,g = described in previous equation
- b) Rn = (1-0.23)Rs (58.5)-RB
- RB = (ADOT(Rs (58.5)/RSO ) + BDOT)RBO
- RBO = EDOT(SIG)(T+273.) 4
- EDOT = -0.02 + 0.261 EXP(-0.000777(T 2))
c) G = ((Ti-1-Ti+1)/Dt) * 100, p.32-ASCE report
- where:
- RB = net longwave radiation (ly/dy), p.26-ASCE report
- RBO = net outgoing clear day longwave radiation (ly/dy), p.26-ASCE report
- EDOT = net emissivity, p.27-ASCE report
- Rs = solar radiation (mm/day)
- ADOT = 1.2
- BDOT = -0.2, p. 27-ASCE report
- RSO = mean solar radiation for cloudless skies (ly/dy), Table 3.1, p. 22-ASCE report
- SIG = Stefan-Boltzmann Constant (ly/day/k4
- = 11.71xl0-8, p.26-ASCE report
- T = mean temperature (°C)
d) es = (emax + emin )/2
- Ti = mean temperature for time period i (°C)
- Dt = time (days) between the midpoints of the two periods
Press (va1) = 33.8639((0.00738 va1 + 0.8072) 8-0.000019 x 1.8 val + 48 + 0.001316), p. 129-ASCE report
e) ea= Press (Tdp), (mbar)
- where:
- emax = Press (Tmax), (mbar)
- emin = Press (Tmin), (mbar)
- Tmax = maximum temperature (°C)
- Tmin = minimum temperature (°C)
- where:
- Tdp = average daily dewpoint temperature (°C)
ETO = Cp(WRn + (1-W)(.27)(l+U/100)(es-ea)a) Cp = a0 + a1RHmax + a2Rs - a3Ud + a4DNR + a5UdDNR + A6RHmaxRsUd - a7RHmaxRsDNR,
- where:
- a0 = 0.6817006
- a1 = 0.0027864
- a2 = 0.0181767
- a3 = 0.0682501
- a4 = 0.0126514
- a5 = 0.0097297
- a6 = 0.43025xl0-4
- a7 = 0.92118xl0-7
- DNR = Ud/Un
- Ud = daytime wind (m/s)
- Un = night wind (m/s)
- RHmax = maximum relative humidity (%)
- Rs = solar radiation (mm/day)
- b) Rn = 0.75Rs-Rn1, p.19-FAO 24
- Rn1 = FtFedFnn
- Ft = sTk 4/58.5, p.27-FA024
- Tk = T+273
- s = 1.17lxl0-7
- Fed = 0.34-0.044(ea)1/2, p.27-FA024
- Fnn = 0.1+0.9 nN 1, p.27-FA024
- nN = (Rs-Ra0.25)/(0.5Ra)
c) es = press (T) , p. 129-ASCE report
- where:
- Rs = solar radiation (mm/day)
- Ra = extraterrestrial radiation (mm/day), Table 10, p.25-FA024
- nN = percentage of sunshine data required
- Fnn = sunshine function
- Fed = vapor pressure function
- T = mean temperature (°C)
- Ft = temperature function
- Rn1 = net longwave radiation (mm/day)
- a = actual vapor pressure at dewpoint (mbar)
- use same pressure equation as for ASCE Penman method
- where:
- T = mean temperature (°C)
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